Thursdays 6.15 pm to 8.15pm
Dramatherapist: Lili Levy
Venue: 5 minutes walking distance from Swiss Cottage Station
Commencing: 12th January 2017
Time: Thursday 6.15 to 8.15 pm.
Cost: £35 per session
Number: 35 sessions
I am an HCPC registered Dramatherapist and BADth registered Supervisor. My training is Psychodynamic and I have an integrative approach in which I incorporate concepts of Humanistic Psychology and Systemic Family Therapy.
I have been Supervising Dramatherapy students at the MA course at Roehampton University for the last fourteen years, and I work as a Trainer at the Systemic Family Therapy MA course at ITAD Madrid - Spain.
I have vast experience running student groups from Roehampton, Sesame/Central and Derby Dramatherapy courses. My work also involves supervision for the staff at Clean Break Theatre Company. I have a private practice where I see individual clients and couples for Dramatherapy and Clinical Supervision. I had been invited by Anglia University, Sesame Supervision Forum and London Therapy Foundation to run workshops using OH cards.
I am a co-author of the Spanish book “La Representación de las Emociones en la Dramaterapia (The Representation of Emotions in Dramatherapy) published in 2003 (Ed Médica Panamericana)
I am a strong believer that the healing power of the therapeutic process is based on the combination of a contained, respected and non-judgmental relationship between therapist/client and the use of the expressive media (movement, music, drama, art, and stories).
For further information contact or write to:
Lili Levy: 07796 213215- e-mail: lililevy77@gmail.com
There will be pre-group individual interviews between November 14th and December 12th. The first 20 minutes is free of charge and is an opportunity to introduce ourselves and get to know about our backgrounds. This would be followed by a 50 minute assessment costing £30.
An assessment is a prerequisite to being able to join the group.